RAD Studio 10.2.1 Release 1出爐了!

父親節Embarcadero捎來了一份禮物,在官方部落格上宣布RAD Studio 10.2.1 Release1可以下載了(RAD Studio 10.2.1 Released Today),主要當然是一些bug fix外,也多了一些功能。

    • Delphi Linux server performance enhancements for both RAD Server and DataSnap.

    1. Delphi and C++ compiler and linker updates that resolve issues loading packages, especially when debugging, on Windows 10 Creators Update.

    1. Support for latest versions of iOS and Xcode (iOS 10.3 and XCode 8.3.2) when targeting the iOS App Store.

    1. FireDAC support for MSSQL 2012, 2014, 2016, and ODBC Driver 13.

    1. Significant C++ linker improvements pertaining to linking larger projects.

    1. Fixes and enhancements to the Runtime Library and VCL.

    1. Additional Android enhancements around control rendering and performance, and fixes for TEdit issues with Android N.

    1. FireDAC Support for InterBase 2017 Exclusive Isolation Level and Transaction Wait Time.

    1. Changes in DataSize for fields of type ftInteger and ftLongWord to avoid using the platform-dependent LongInt and LongWord type (the change affects only 64-bit Linux and 64-bit iOs platforms), and related changes for SetFieldData and GetFieldData

    Fixes for over 140 issues reported by customers in Quality Portal.

作者: 林壽山

目前任職於軟體公司研究開發部門,擔任專業處長,專注於.NET C# 開發,並具備豐富的POS 收銀系統與金流整合開發經驗。我精通各類支付系統的設計與開發,包含第三方支付(如綠界、藍新、歐付寶、速買配、馬來西亞 ePay/HappyPay、台新 One 碼)、行動支付(悠遊卡、一卡通、支付寶、微信支付、街口支付)、以及信用卡支付(聯合信用卡)。 熟悉多種開發技術,擅長PHP 網頁開發(CodeIgniter、Laravel 框架)、Delphi 程式設計、資料庫設計、C# WinForm/WebForm 應用開發、ASP.NET MVC、API 串接設計,並具備LINE 串接開發的豐富經驗。 除了技術開發之外,我也熱衷於技術分享,曾擔任台中學校產業學院講師 5 年,培育新一代的軟體開發人才,致力於推動軟體技術的應用與創新。 我對技術充滿熱忱,始終保持學習與探索的心態,期望透過軟體開發為企業與社會創造更大的價值。