delphi 各版本編譯器判斷

Delphi conditional VER<nnn> Product Product Version Package Version
VER300 Delphi Seattle / C++Builder Seattle
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android)
23 230
VER290 Delphi XE8 / C++Builder XE8
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android)
22 220
VER280 Delphi XE7 / C++Builder XE7
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS/Android)
21 210
VER270 Delphi XE6 / C++Builder XE6
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS/Android)
20 200
VER260 Delphi XE5 / C++Builder XE5
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS)
19 190
VER250 Delphi XE4 / C++Builder XE4
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX)
18 180
VER240 Delphi XE3 / C++Builder XE3
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX)
17 170
VER230 Delphi XE2 / C++Builder XE2
(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX) (C++Builder:Win32/OSX)
16 160

161 is the version for the five FireMonkey packages at XE2 Update 2:
fmi161.bpl, fmx161.bpl, fmxase161.bpl, fmxdae161.bpl, and fmxobj161.bpl.

VER220 Delphi XE / C++Builder XE (Win32) 15 150
VER210 Delphi 2010 / C++Builder 2010 (Win32) 14 140
VER200 Delphi 2009 / C++Builder 2009 (Win32) 12 120
VER190 Delphi 2007 for .Net * 11 110
VER180 or VER185 Delphi 2007 / C++Builder 2007 for Win32 * 11 110
VER180 Delphi 2006 / C++Builder 2006 (Win32/.Net) and Delphi/C++Builder 2007 for Win32 10 100
VER170 Delphi 2005 (Win32/.Net) 9 90
VER160 Delphi 8 for .Net 8 80
VER150 Delphi 7 (and 7.1) 7 70
VER140 Delphi 6 / C++Builder 6 6 60
VER130 Delphi 5 / C++Builder 5 5 NA
VER125 C++Builder 4 4 NA
VER120 Delphi 4 4 NA
VER110 C++Builder 3 3 NA
VER100 Delphi 3 3 NA
VER93 C++Builder 1 NA NA
VER90 Delphi 2 2 NA
VER80 Delphi 1 1 NA
VER70 Borland Pascal 7.0 NA NA
VER15 Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.5 NA NA
VER10 Turbo Pascal for Windows 1.0 NA NA
VER60 Turbo Pascal 6.0 NA NA
VER55 Turbo Pascal 5.5 NA NA
VER50 Turbo Pascal 5.0 NA NA
VER40 Turbo Pascal 4.0 NA NA

Delphi FireMonkey在Android/OSX/Win如何支援com port

整理了一些for android/os x以及win下的元件

Check out ComPort for VCL in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check out ComPort for Android with Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check out ComPort for Android FTDI FT31xD with Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check Out ComPort for Android Prolific with Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check Out ComPort for Android USB with Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check out ComPort for Android USB Serial with Firemonkey in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check out ComPort for FireMonkey on Windows in Delphi 10 Berlin.

Check out ComPort for OS X in Firemonkey for Delphi 10 Berlin.



Delphi教學研習營 五天學會Delphi

2016年9月5日 – 2016年9月9日

歡迎您報名參加程式設計高手Marco Cantu, David I及Jim McKeeth總共五場精彩的線上教學課程(2016年9月5日起)完成所有課程者還可免費獲得專屬於您的 Delphi Starter 授權軟體
第一天 – Delphi程式語言引言: 使用IDE來設計您的第一個應用程式
第二天 – 開始了解Delphi程式語言
第三天 – 如何使用FireMonkey建立有效的使用者介面
第四天 – 使用Delphi開發遊戲軟體
第五天 – 如何開發行動裝置及資料庫應用程式

第一個時段 重複播放時段
PDT (San Francisco) 06:00 – 08:00 11:00 – 13:00
EDT (New York) 09:00 – 11:00 14:00 – 16:00
BST (London) 14:00 – 16:00 19:00 – 21:00
CEST (Berlin) 15:00 – 17:00 20:00 – 22:00
JST (Tokyo) 22.00 – 00.00 03:00 – 05:00 (next morning)
AEST (Sydney) 23.00 – 01.00 04:00 – 06:00 (next morning)


CodeIgniter PHP 產生 Sitemap

Class Seo extends CI_Controller {

function sitemap()

$data = "";//網站的url
header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=iso-8859-1");
<?= ‘<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>’ ?>

<urlset xmlns="">
<loc><?= base_url();?></loc>

<!– My code is looking quite different, but the principle is similar –>
<?php foreach($data as $url) { ?>
<loc><?= base_url().$url ?></loc>
<?php } ?>


$route[‘seo/sitemap\.xml’] = “seo/sitemap”;

遠振主機 – 如何透過cPanel將子網域轉到其他主機

一直是遠振主機 的愛好者!看到最近有半價拍賣專用貼圖主機,於是申請了600元/年的方案。


因為要做網站的圖床用的,所以也要將,所以原來的也要設定dns, 作法很簡單,新增一筆 A record。

CodeIgniter php上傳後FTP至另一台主機

二台主機都是使用 遠振主機
$cmd = function_exists(‘escapeshellarg’)
? ‘file –brief –mime ‘.@escapeshellarg($file[‘tmp_name’]).’ 2>&1′
: ‘file –brief –mime ‘.$file[‘tmp_name’].’ 2>&1′;

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="上傳">

$config[‘upload_path’] = @’./uploads/’;
$config[‘allowed_types’] = ‘jpg’;
$this->load->library(‘upload’, $config);

// 上傳檔案
$upload_data = $this->upload->data();
$fileName = $upload_data[‘file_name’];

// 本機檔案位置
$source = @’./uploads/’.$fileName;

// 載入ftp函式庫

// ftp參數
$ftp_config[‘hostname’] = ‘xxxx’;
$ftp_config[‘username’] = ‘xxxx’;
$ftp_config[‘password’] = ‘xxxx’;
$ftp_config[‘debug’] = TRUE;

// 連線ftp

// ftp檔案位置
$destination = ‘/public_html/assets/’.$fileName;

// 上傳ftp
$this->ftp->upload($source, ".".$destination,"auto",0777);

// 關閉ftp

// 刪除本機資料

SQL – 取得超過十分鐘欄位未更新

select DateDiff(n,欄位,GetDate()) AS DELAYTIME,* from 表格 where DateDiff(n,欄位,GetDate())>10 ORDER BY DELAYTIME


DATEDIFF ( datepart , startdate , enddate )
datepart 縮寫
year yy, yyyy
quarter qq, q
month mm, m
dayofyear dy, y
day dd, d
week wk, ww
hour hh
minute mi, n
second ss, s
millisecond ms
microsecond mcs
nanosecond ns


